Pagan groups have been strongly resisted in this country, home to Mount Olympus, home of those familiar Greek gods -- and goddesses -- by the very vocal and strong Eastern Orthodox church. However, the recently founded (2005) Ellinais has managed to receive state recognition of the ancient Greek religion which, until last year, was not given equal rights. In 2006, a court in Athens officially declared the worship of the old gods unbanned.
Supporters of the old religion in Greece are still afraid to turn up at public ceremonies, concerned that a photograph or a video of them can get them into trouble with church authorities or their employers.
Those of us in the US who follow a Pagan path are similarly afraid of retribution, particularly during this period of time when Christian fundamentalism is a very vocal component of our society.
Of Greek descent, I celebrate the Solstice and honor Apollo with my Greek brothers and sisters. Apollo is the light of the world.

Read about this in an email (that YOU sent! ha!). I believe that linear thinking is in its death throes - that's what all the global fuss is about, isn't it? A big *HURRAH* for celebrating life in cyclical fashion...!! the Gods never left; we did. Of course, it's difficult for the mainstream folk to break with the ingrained cultural and religious paradigm - kudos to each and every person who ventures out - and into the Truth.
I worship and believe in the Greeks Lords faithfully, many prayers of mine have been answered. People of all religions, I think, are victimized and beat down by Christian fundamentalists, especially in America, but we must not give up. Christians don't like to discuss where Jesus said, "Honor all religions."
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