Wednesday, January 2, 2008

put down the party hat and walk away...

Just like a flash, New Year's Eve came and went. As usual, we got together with friends to ring in the new and bid adieu to the old. It was a lovely south Florida night - temperatures in the low 70s, just about cool enough for a small fire in the fire pit on our friend's patio.

Fireworks supplied aural and visual entertainment throughout the evening, as neighbors exploded bottle rockets, small arial bursts and firecrackers, among other noise-making items. After eating from the "we always put out too much food" buffet, we sat and chatted as the clock ticked away the minutes 'til the New Year's baby arrived. At the appropriate hour I offered blessings of the Gregorian calendar year to all in attendance. We've got to follow it, as its the way the world turns, but I'd really rather go to a lunar based system, it makes more sense for me.

Resolutions? I've never been terribly good at sticking to those. There are some things I want to do... develop a more focused spiritual practice on a regular basis, keep my fingers on my crafts projects, and -- perhaps -- begin work on a photography project that popped into my head a few days ago. Of course work will take up much of my time as it always does -- I tend to be a workaholic. I'm going to do my best, though, to not spend as much time at the keyboard. 'Tis making me a dull gal, methinks.

So, with thoughts of the Gregorian year ahead, I offer all praise to Artemis, Lady of the Wild Things and Protectress of Women and the Young Ones. May her arrows fly true when necessary, and may she shelter those who need it from the storms of life. I hope to walk in your wild lands more often in the 363 days ahead.