Friday, April 4, 2008

in a dither...

Courtesy of Google alerts, each day I have an opportunity to peruse new articles on the web related to witch, witches, Pagan, Pagans and an assortment of other similar words. While often there are some gems among the selections, many are about modern-day witch hunts, witch doctors, the musical "Wicked" and the like. 

One stood out from the crowd recently under the simple headline "Phillies speaks out in support of witchcraft and Wicca", not for the support of our beliefs by Libertarian Presidential candidate George Phillies but rather a comment from one who read the story: "And the wiccan thing. My parish (or county, for you guys) just passed an ordinance outlawing "Witchcraft." Frankly, this seemingly offhanded remark floored me -- a county government outlawing witchcraft in these days and times? 

Given the clause in the First Amendment about the government not making any laws with respect to establishment of religion, it seems clear that witchcraft, from the perspective of these lawmakers, is not a religious system. Indeed, many of those who wear the self-title "witch" are not religious practitioners. Yet, there are those of us who do include religious aspects in our practice, and it is this type of legislation we must be aware of. 

To condemn any group for practice of their beliefs, be they spiritual or more in the metaphysical realm, opens the door to further discriminatory action. It is important to keep an eye on actions of this nature, eroding the rights of some of our fellow citizens; indeed, it is exactly as citizens in the "land of the free" that we must be certain none of our rights are withdrawn.

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